
What Is Mobile Billboard Advertising?

Mobile Billboard Advertising, Advertising,

September 14, 2024

Marketing is nothing but the right communication. But is it enough to figure out what to say? No, it isn’t? Because, When it comes to right and effective marketing? Do you need to get answers to these 3 questions? What to say? Whom to say? And where to say? When you figure out the answer to these 3 questions. You covered all the main parts of marketing. 

To do better marketing, we need to know where our customers can be available. If they are sitting at home, you need to show ads on TVs and Newspapers. If they are constantly on social media, you need to show ads on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If they are moving outside like shopping malls, markets, or streets, you need to show advertisements outside. This is how we decide the place. It also depends on the buyer persona we create. Because, if we want to sell Luxurious flats, then we need to study where we can find the buyer of luxuries flats. If we want to market the newly launched PS4 Games, then we need to advertise on social media. If we want to advertise coworking space, then we need to advertise to the place where professionals are present constantly. 

No matter what we do. It must be attention-grabbing and eye-catching. In marketing, it’s necessary to grab attention with something weird and creative. Now, let’s see what mobile billboard advertising is. And where can we use it? 

The word comes from the Latin word “mobilis”, meaning “movable” or “able to move.” Things that keep moving are called mobile. And here we use billboards that keep moving. So we call it mobile billboard advertising. When your customers are constantly moving from one place to another place, you need to be present at the place where they are. You have to allow your message to keep traveling because your customers are also traveling. Now, let’s see what mobile billboards are and why they are best fit for your business promotion. 

As per some articles I read on Google, Mobile billboard Advertising means Ads we place beside big trucks. But, I believe that there are more ways we can do mobile billboard advertising. Let me explain to you how. 

We can put ads on already moving 3 3-wheeler auto rickshaws, 5-wheeler electric auto rickshaws, Bicycles with some creativity, Metro Train, Railway Train, Bus, Cabs, and Taxis. How can it be possible to do this? We can start collaborating with the Cab drivers, Truck Owners, or authorities who are responsible for allowing their transport to carry our messages. You can also consult with any advertising agency that can guide you through this. 

Written by Pawan Barapatre

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