
Seeking Productivity Boost? Here Are 4 Ways Gemini’s Ease Can Elevate Your Productivity!

February 18, 2024

For Google Workspace enthusiasts, Google Gemini’s integration with Gmail, Docs, Sheets, and Drive is a game-changer. The Workspace extension, powered by AI, simplifies tasks across Google’s suite, enhancing productivity.

Quick start

Using the Workspace extension is simple with a Google account. Access Gemini’s Settings, tap Extensions, and toggle on Google Workspace if not already connected. Gemini can now scan emails, documents, and Drive files to assist you.

Privacy assured

Addressing privacy concerns, Google has pledged not to use personal Workspace data for ads or allow human reviewers access to it.

Efficient Gmail

Gemini acts as your email assistant in Gmail. Command it to “summarise the last email from [sender]” for a quick overview or “draft a response to [sender]” for automated drafting. Use search commands like “find emails about [topic]” for efficient inbox management.

Drive and Docs support

Gemini analyzes Drive files with commands like “summarise [file name] from @drive” or “find files related to [subject] from @docs.” It aids research and information retrieval seamlessly.

Sheets analysis

In Google Sheets, Gemini crunches data. Ask it to “analyse [file] and show lead source by deal size in @sheets” or “find patterns in [spreadsheet] in @sheets” to extract insights.

Natural commands

Gemini understands context, so you can use natural language for requests. For specific app commands, prefix with “@app name” to clarify.

Written by Pawan Barapatre

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