
How collaboration compounds success!

Real Estate Game changers Book Lanuch

November 8, 2023

Do you feel too guilty because of past mistakes? Or Do you feel too late in life after reading
LinkedIn Stories of Success? If Yes, Then This story is for you. This story will shift your mindset and tell you the importance of collaboration if you want to achieve success in life.

I published my first book at the age of 19 and
Dr Amol Mourya published his book at the age of 35.

He had patience.
I had an obsession.

I started writing to find direction.
He started writing to show direction.

I lacked direction in the beginning.
He had a direction since the beginning.

Forget right audience, I even didn’t have an audience.
He had right audience in the real estate niche to sell his book.

First, I published a book then I started building an audience.
First, he built the audience then he published the book.

Only passion was/ is my niche.
Only Real Estate was/ is his niche.

He started marketing before publishing book.
I wanted to start marketing after publishing book.

He published his book by researching thousands of books.
I published my poetry book without reading any poetry books.

He had references when writing his book.
I wrote my book without any reference book.

I published my book to enter the market.
He entered the market then he published the book.

I joined LinkedIn after publishing the book.
He was on LinkedIn before publishing the book.

I used LinkedIn to attract the right client.
He used LinkedIn to attract the right talent.

He had services to sell before publishing the book.
I had no services to sell before publishing the book.

For me, Digital Assets > Real Estate
For him, Real Estate > Digital Assets

He invested in Public Relations after publishing his book.
I understood the world of public relations after publishing my book.

My philosophy: First learn to build, then learn to sell.
His philosophy: First learn to sell, then learn to build.

I aligned my vision with his mission.
He aligned his mission with my vision.

I had no community before publishing the book.
First he built the community and published the book.

I had no outlines to write my book.
He had clear outlines to write his book.

First, I wrote the book and decided the name of the book.
First, he decided the name of the book ,and then he focused on writing the book.

He built a team to support him.
I was working alone believing in my dreams.

He learned do’s and don’ts by studying many published authors.
I published my debut poetry book without studying any published authors.

I started building my personal brand after publishing my book.
He started building his personal brand before publishing his book.

I want to grow as a solopreneur and achieve financial freedom.
He wants to grow as a real estate entrepreneur and achieve financial freedom.

My mission is to mentor solopreneurs to become successful.
His mission is to mentor real estate entrepreneurs to become successful.

The name of my book was/ is “The Major Mantra”
The name of his book was/ is “Real Estate Game Changers”

Tell me in the comment,

What lessons did you learn from our story?

Written by Pawan Barapatre

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